Flamenco Beach was named one of the world’s best beaches by several travel magazines. It’s located on the island of Culebra in eastern Puerto Rico. And even though I often react to things that are called “the world’s best” (because who decided that?) I can understand that Flamenco Beach is one of the world’s best!
Table of Contents
Flamenco Beach – Playa Flamenco
There are a lot of tropical beaches that look like a piece of paradise. We have seen several of them and yet we were both impressed with Flamenco Beach. The beach is really wide and the water is just as turquoise as it can be. The sand is white like flour and the shallow waters make this place perfect for a swim. The beach is horseshoe shaped and stretches for about 1,6 kilometers.
This makes for a perfect walk. The beach often gets crowded but since it’s so wide and so long you will find your perfect spot.
Rusting tanks left in nature
However all those things are super nice – I believe I know what makes this place super special… the residues of the war. There are two rusting carcasses of old Sherman Tanks that were left behind by United States Navy in 1975. One of them is on the beach and the other one is halfway in the water. And there is something special to see the tanks in such paradise. They have been painted with graffiti over the years – something that gives them a nice touch.
You don’t expect to see stuff from the military while walking on the beach however that’s what will happen on Flamenco Beach. And make sure that you take your time to really stroll around at the beach. The tanks are what make this place extra special if you ask me.
Getting to Flamenco Beach
Being one of Culebra’s main tourist attractions you guessed it – there are a lot of people that want to come to Flamenco Beach. If money is no issue – you can fly here. However, not all of us have deep pockets and then you have to take the ferry. The ferry leaves from Fajardo every day but be aware of the lines and queues to get there. Most people are trying to catch the first ferry that leaves at 9 am. You have to be by the ferry by 03:00 ta stand a chance to get on the ferry.
Once on the island, you can either take a taxi or a shuttle to the Flamenco Beach. We recommend that you book a night or two in Culebra and take a later ferry out. And once there you can spend the whole day at the beach without having to stress.
Timetable for the ferry:
- Fajardo to Culebra (7 days/week & holidays)
9:00am • 3:00pm • 7:00pm. - Culebra to Fajardo (Mon- Fri)
6am, 1pm, 5pm. Sat/Sun: 1pm, 5pm.
Spending a night at the beach
While visiting Flamenco Beach we saw a lot of people that had put up tents and hammocks up in the vegetation above the beach. And Mini and I decided that the next time we come to Puerto Rico this will be on our bucket list. Imagine not only visiting the beach but spending the night here. There were quite many people here so I do believe that it’s safe to sleep on the beach. However, this is not something that we did so we’ll have to get back to you on how it was. But first, we have to visit Flamenco Beach again!
Det var lite häftigt med en gammal stridsvagn, men kunde den inte fått stå på land i stället 😛
Det var galet fint där och som du säger – häftigt med en stridsvagn på stranden
Har tidigare varit sugen på Puerto Rico, men har tyckt att det varit svårt att hitta info om vad man kan göra där. Blev mer sugen igen☀️
Där finns så himla mycket fint och underbart så det är väl värt ett besök