It’s been quiet here for over a week. However, there is a reason for that. We have been sorting all our stuff and donating, selling and all of that. Are we done? Not quite but from April 1:st we are officially living in our motorhome full time! Its Aprils fool but this is not a joke!
Table of Contents
Living full time in a Motorhome
We can not yet give you the pros and cons about living full time in a motorhome but one thing´s for sure… we are super excited! Between writing this post I am currently packing out all our clothes. I have made two “clean out everything I don’t wear” but I think I need to get rid of some more. But that’s no problem because lets face it – a lot less is more. Everyone gets surprised when we tell them about the stuff we are putting in storage. Storage means my parents attic. There are two boxes – yes two boxes with stuff.
One box is with memorabilia from our travels, like a lamp from Mexico or a mask from Sri Lanka. The other box is with all the newspapers and magazine with all the stuff we have gotten published. I have it all on my computer but I´ll still want to keep it in hard copy too.
Combining moving with working
So working as a freelance journalist is the best thing I ever decided to do and I don’t regret it for a minute. The thing is that I’m always up for working. Today as I was folding clothes I got an email with an offer to write an article. So moving day is now combined with writing an article. Mini is on a seminar and I know he will wonder what I have been up to when he gets back – why we are not moved in yet. But work comes first so right now it is focus on writing the article!
From April first we are officially on the road at all times! Hope that you will all join us on our adventures!
Åhhh så snygg den är!
Ha en härlig dag.. solen tittade just fram här i Kristianstad 🙂