Painting the house – Never ending story

Sep 6, 2016

Painting the house - Never ending story

Painting and painting… Oooohhh… there is just so much to do with this house! I want to get it rented out already so that we can be on our way. Mini is painting and I am working on an article.

Painting the house… still

So where are all these friends when you need them? We have enough brushes for everyone who wants to paint and help us finish the house 🐵 🙈 🙉. The house is mostly painted now but there are still all the windows and details that we have to do. It truly is like a never ending story!

Mini is also looking into SEO- optimizing this website and he is overwhelmed with all the information he got. There is so much wrongs with this site right now that he does not know where to start. We had it ranked very good on google before. Then we redid the whole site – changed language and google got mad! Now we are starting all over again. But it is all good. We want this to work and are willing to work hard for it. No worries – one day at a time!

1 Comment

  1. FREEDOMtravel

    Förstår att ni har fullt upp! Både målning och SEO är tidskrävande grejor! Hälsningar från husbilsmässan i Elmia!


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