Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria – Moonlight Cinema

Last updated Dec 8, 2021
Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria

Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria, is that a thing? Indeed it is. There are several reasons for you to visit the Moonlight cinema in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria. One of the reasons is that this is the only permanent outdoor cinema in Europe. Join us as we went there to experience it first hand.

Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria – Moonlight Cinema

They are marketing themselves with ”great movies, under the stars”. I believe that they could have focused more on the romantic side of this place. Because let’s face it – there are few things that are more romantic than watching a movie ”under the stars”. I have even asked Mini several times if we could have a projector with us and use one side of the motorhome as a canvas. For now, we have come to the conclusion that we do way to much wild camping to be able to watch movies outside. Can’t imagine how many people we might upset if we started watching a movie in the city center.

Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria

But back to outdoor cinemas and movies. It is a super romantic thing to do and it is a ”couple thing” to do. In Gran Canaria, they have the Moonlight Cinema. This is the only outdoor cinema in Europe that is permanent. I am pretty sure that it has to do with weather and Gran Canaria has really nice weather.

Be sure to make reservations

We decided to go and watch ”How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. We both love animated movies and we were really excited to watch it. We made our reservations online and we recommend that you do that. Even if the theatre was far from full, we got perfect seats (4C). And seats are not the right word come to think of it – the couch is better.

Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria seats

Each sofa (or couch) fits two persons. There are blankets placed in each couch – something that adds even more to the romance. Even if it is warm all year round in the Canary Islands, the nights might become a little bit chilly. I used the blanket mostly ”just because” and not because I was cold. You make the reservation online but you pay once you get there.

Get something to eat or drink

Popcorn! Like always when you (read we) visit a cinema, we always buy popcorn. For a quite small bowl of popcorn, we paid five euros so that was quite expensive. I also decided to splurge and ordered a Pina Colada that cost six euros. There is a button in each seat and if you want to order something, you just press the button and someone will come and take your order.

Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria-Popcorn
Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria Pina Colada

They also sell homemade pizzas for nine euros and they also have deserts for sale. I was thinking of getting nachos too but once I saw the size of our popcorn, I decided not to order anything else. If you want a bottle of wine it will set you back 15 euros.

Watching the movie

We had a really nice time watching the movie. And all the movies are in English and the subtitles are in Spanish so as far as you understand English, you’re good to go. The movie was super sweet and we just enjoyed ourselves, eating popcorn, drinking Pina Colada and relaxing.

Outdoor cinema in Gran Canaria How too train your dragon-hidden world

This is a great thing to do while being in Maspalomas. However, I can’t imagine living in some of the apartments that are close to the cinema. Hearing the movies each day and night – no thank you! Often they show two different movies each night. We chose the early one and it started at 20.00. The Moonlight Cinema is located within Oasis Boulevard in Meloneras.

Information about The Moonlight Cinema

Address: C.C Boulevard Oasis, Av. Cristobal Colon, Maspalomas.
Opening hours: The first movie starts when it gets dark (about 20.00).
Price: 15 euro per person for the movie.
Reservations are recommended.

If you like to do something during the day as well, You might also like to read our post about beaches in Gran Canaria.


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