Poland is dear to our hearts. It has always been this way – probably because we both have relatives living there. We have spent quite some time there during our life. However, we had never touristed in Pomeranian before. We just arrived from a press trip from Poland and we can’t wait to get back again. What a beautiful place!
Table of Contents
Pomeranian and the tri-city area
Gdansk – Sopot – Gdynia. Those cities are part of what is called the tri-city area in Pomeranian, Poland. You have easy access to all of them and can easily travel from one city to another. During this trip, we went to Gdansk and Sopot and both of them were amazing places. I can’t believe that Poland is not higher up as a tourist destination. This must change because the country has so much to offer. We had the best time and met some amazing people along the way.
Meeting new people.
We were a quite small group of people and we all got along superb. Sanna was a fellow travel blogger and journalist. We love to meet new people and get new blogs to follow. You can read her blog by clicking here. We also got to meet the nicest couple, Hanne and Stefan from Denmark. They are experts in kayaking and they travel all around the world, kayaking. After this trip they are off to Nowa Scotia for some paddling. They were super nice and they also have a website that you can check out here. We also got to meet Anna – the marketing manager from Pomeranian Tourist Board and Agnieszka – the best guide that learned us all about the places we visited.

In the picture from the left: Stefan owner of the lighthouse, Stefan, Mini, Hanne, Agnieszka, Annika, Sanna and Krzysztof the captain
We also got to meet the nicest man, Stefan, that owns a lighthouse in Gdansk. He really knew everything about this place and was fascinating to listen to. The amazing crew of the regatta that we competed in – yes we were in a competition! And what about Krzysztof? The captain of the river boat trip we were on one day. He left the boat into Minis hands and let him help out during the day!
From cheating to cracked pants
So I guess that you figured out how great this trip was. It was amazing! And I’m pretty sure that we all feel just as satisfied as we are. We will be updating you with all the information from our trip. You will read all about huge castles, cheating in a competition, incredible food, superb company and cracked pants. Yes, a lot can happen in three full days in Gdansk and Sopot. And we didn’t want to leave but there is a good thing coming. In about a week we will be back there. We will see more of this magical place and we can’t wait!
A huge thank you to all of you people who made this trip the best. And thank you Monika! The person that believes in us and invited us on this trips!!
Jag upplever att fler och fler åker till Polen. Förr tänkte nog många grått, grått och mer grått om Polen.
Vi var i Rewal och Stettin för någon sommar sen. Mycket att titta på, fina stränder och fortfarande prisvärt. Håller med om att Polen är väl värt ett besök. /Pernilla
Jag tror att du har rätt. Att många tycker att Polen känns grått och trist. Det är så långt ifrån sanningen som man bara kan komma! Polen är väldigt fint. Vi har varit i Stettin men hann inte turista så mycket där!