While we lived on Paradisvägen 1 B for almost 10 years, we were fine. But apparently the house needed some sprucing up before people come and see it!
Our house needs some sprucing up
Mini is hard at work outside. This is no new phenomenon. We started painting in the summer and are not done yet. The whole fence is also repainted. I asked myself why we picked a fence that takes forever to paint. And since we were changing the color of the fence – of corse we needed to paint it twice.
Now we both can see an end to the madness on Paradisvägen. Well it it still a lot to do before it is done but we are getting there. While Mini is working outside, I was working inside. I have a lot to do right now but at the same time I am pretty efficient. We get things done and it feels great. Tomorrow I need to write about a cruise for “Allt om Resor”. But that does not feel like work – that is just fun!
Ja, ett sånt staket tar tid att måla! 😛
Husbilen…? Er? Lånad? Besök? Ja, lite nyfiken… 😉
Kan tänka mig att det där staketet tar tid att måla!! ;P
Sv: Ja, det är ju det! 🙂