Thoughts from the road – We are writing chronicles

Aug 14, 2019

Travel Update
It’s time for an update. What are we up to? Where are we and what do we have planned? A lot of stuff happening and at the same time – we are staying put for a while more. We are in the southern parts of Sweden. I’m freelancing for the local magazine. Mini is working as a photographer, taking environmental pictures of lamps. 

We are now writing chronicles

When I write articles for magazines, I never mention us in the texts. I write with presence but without writing that I am at the location. I hope you know what I mean. When it comes to chronicles, It’s all about your own thoughts and about being seen in the texts. And that is hard for me to do. But I could not be more excited once I saw the first issue and that the chronicle is called “Majaks Chronicle”.

It will be a new one in each issue of the Swedish magazine “Min Husbil i Sverige”. Ok, so it’s in Swedish but in the first chronicle, I wrote my thoughts about camping people. We have noticed that most people that drive motorhomes have a preference. Some of them always want to stay at a camping and some people only want to stay in camping areas. And then we have the free people that want to stay out in nature. So I was rambling on about choices and if you really have to choose?!
Writing chronicles
Bromölla, Sweden

Freelancing for the local Newspaper

This is also my third year that I’m working for the local newspaper “Kristianstadsbladet”. I really enjoy being there but this is the first summer where I also feel trapped. Don’t get me wrong, I am having a great time working there. My days are filled with interesting encounters and I’m meeting people that I would never have met otherwise.

However, we are free birds and don’t like being stuck in the same place for a long time. I want to explore and travel and have a new backyard whenever. Now I am stuck, working in the same city each day. We get some really awesome invitations and we can’t go due to work. And Sweden is amazing during the summer so next year, we want to travel around here, exploring and sharing it all with you guys!
Kristianstadsbladet Bromölla

Mini is photographing lights

While I’m at the local newspaper, Mini is traveling around, taking photographs of lights in their environment. He is freelancing for a high-end company (Atelje Lyktan) and driving around the southern parts of the country, photographing for them. This means late nights and super early mornings for him but it’s only for a short time.

Next year, if he still will be photographing for them, we will arrange it so that we can go together. And then we will also be touristing in the cities that we visit. And if everything goes as planned, we will also be collaborating on our travels with the Motorhome magazine. So right now, next year seems great. So what’s up next? When is our next trip and what is coming ahead?
Photo projekt

Finally Lost’s upcoming travels

  • August: Poland – we are going to celebrate my parent 70:th birthdays and it will be a quick weekend with a lot of partying.
  • August: Germany. We are heading for Hamburg for a week. There we will explore the city and visit all the main attractions. How awesome is that?
  • September: Poland – A wine trip. We will be visiting a wine festival, wine spa, and several wineries. Can’t wait for this trip. Finally, we get to see the “wine side” of Poland.
  • October: Portugal – Madeira, here we come! We have spent a lot of time in Portugal but we have not yet been to Madeira.
  • November: Back to Fuerteventura, Spain. We will spend a week there. This is part of the contest that Apollo had and where we won!

So where are we going through winter? Honestly, we haven’t yet set those plans in motion so that will have to wait because we don’t know. Lots of travels and more travels that we couldn’t do. We were supposed to go on a press trip to Bhutan. Unfortunately, that was an impossible thing to fit into our schedule so that will have to wait!
Fuerteventura Windsurfer


  1. Anna /

    What, inga husbilsresor? Bor ni i husbilen när ni är i Sverige? Vi rullar så sakteliga söderut, hade varit kul att mötas om ni hinner.

    • Annika & Mini

      Hahaha jodå Hamburg blir med husbil :). Vi har sålt huset förra året så det är alltid den vi bor i! Var är ni någonstans nu? Hade varit superkul att träffas!!!

      • Anna/

        Vi står på Lomma Camping just nu, men rullar över bron idag.

        • Annika & Mini

          Åååå va synd! Vi är i Stockholm nu och rullat mot Skåne ikväll. Men då får vi se till att träffas någonstans i Europa. Vart bär det hän först? Vi kör till Hamburg om en vecka!

  2. FREEDOMtravel

    Vad kul med krönikor! Intressant både med jobb på “Bladet” (haha, hade en läsare som skrev en lång rolig kommentar om när hon, som bodde någon helt annanstans i Sverige, blev uppringd av “Bladet” utan närmare specifikation) och med variation och nya intryck förstås! Polen och Tyskland är favoritländer (där vi precis varit och seglat). Ni kommer inte möjligtvis till Elmiamässan?

    • Annika & Mini

      Hej finaste Freedom! Hoppas allt är bra med er! Vi missar Elmiamässan för det krockar med annat men vi måste se till att få till en dejt snart!


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