Travel magazines are like porn to me. Do you feel the same? Just opening a travel magazine and sniffing the paper – what a great way to start your day!
Published in Swedish Travel Magazine Allt om Resor
The newest issue of “Allt om Resor” (Swedens largest travel magazine) is out and I have three articles published in that magazine. What makes it extra special is to see Minis photos covering the pages! This just confirms what we have known for a long time… We were born to do this!
And I just looked at some “last minutes trips” online and felt butterflies in my stomach. No we are not planning any trip right now because we will soon be living on the road but it still feels so nice to look at trips! I am still working on some articles for “Allt om Resor” and we have a really interesting thing planned for the weekend. But more about that later…
If you are in Sweden and like to travel and want to get inspired – make sure to pick up the latest copy of the Magazine.

One article is about fear of flying and how you can make yourself a little better 🙂

I wrote the article and Mini took all the photos!