you made it! Guys – we made it all the way to the top and are now in first place in Apollos contest of becoming “Most inspirational travel blogger” in the category “Explorer”. It was a really tough race and it lasted all the way to the end! But now they have presented the results and we are in first place!We
Table of Contents
We made it to the finals
Without you guys and all of our family and friends – this would not be possible! It started with a nomination and there were about 40 different awesome blogs that we were up against. By the end of the voting, we were number one! And then it was time for the finale. New votes – this time it was becoming top three for having the chance of winning this awesome title!
The second time around, it was harder because all the votes were back to zero. But with the help from our family and friends and all of you guys we made it yet again! WE MADE IT TO FIRST PLACE! Now it’s out of our hands. A jury will decide the winner and we are up against some really awesome bloggers. So now it’s all about keeping our fingers crossed and hoping that we win the title of becoming Apollos inspirational travel blogger of the year!
All the love and support
This contest really showed us how many people care about us and want us to do well. When we quit our jobs (about four years ago) and moved full time into a motorhome, a lot of people thought that we were crazy! But here we are, a couple of years later and we are thriving! It really means the world to us that Apollo sent us that first email – letting us know about the contest.
So first of all thank you Apollo for organizing such a contest and thank you for getting in touch with us! And a huge hug to each and every one of you that voted for us! On Wednesday they will announce the winner so we are keeping our fingers crossed that they choose us!!!
What is the price if we win?
Ok, so the first prize is the honor of getting the title “Most inspirational travel blogger of the year according to Apollo”. This would mean the world to us! But there’s more… The person that wins the first price also wins a trip for two to Fuerteventura. On our blog, we have written a lot about Lanzarote. How awesome would it be to spend a week in Fuerteventura and share all of our experiences here?
Apollo is a Swedish travel agent that arranges all your travels for you. We have used them several times before and we have never been disappointed! We would love to win this thing?! Did I tell you already? So please guys – keep your fingers crossed! And once again – thank you guys for voting for us and thank you Apollo for letting us be a part of your awesome contest!
Åååå va underbart att ni kom etta enligt rösterna. Ni måste ju bara ta hem detta och rapportera från Fuerteventura. Vill läsa allt om era äventyr och gärna dykning också!
Hej Marianne
Tack för all support.Dykning kan det alldeles säker bli mer av. Kanske från Fuerteventura?!
Grattis! Hoppas vi får se mycket mer av er framöver!
Hej Erik
Tack så mycket. Vi ska försöka hålla oss så synliga vi bara kan.
Stort GRATTIS. Fortsätt att inspirera oss.
Hej Jan.K
Tack så mycket. Vi ska göra vårt bästa.
Tack för en underbar sida. Ni förtjänar verkligen vinsten!😃
Hej Sofie
Tack vad snällt av dig. Vi är så glada!
Grattis till vinsten! Bra jobbat!
Tusen Tack det betyder så mycket för oss. Tack!!!😃
Grattis till en mycket välförtjänt vinst!
Tusen tack! Det känns fortfarande overkligt att vi vann!