Museum of the second world war, Gdansk

Last updated Oct 1, 2024

World war II museum The building
When it comes to World War II, Poland has a lot of history to tell. And even if most people think of Auschwitz while thinking of WWII and Poland, this museum is a must to visit while in Gdansk. And what better place to have this kind of museum, since Gdansk is the place where WWII started?

Museum of the second world war

This place is incredible. Expect to learn a lot about the war and listen to loads of information. This museum is not a place where you will learn just about Poland and the war but the war itself. The fact that this is a place dedicated to WWII as a whole and not just Poland’s side of it is a great thing according to me.

World war II Museum in Gdansk

While walking inside the building you can really feel the pain of the war. There are several exhibits that you walk through and they teach you a lot about the war. There is also a personal touch to all of it. For example, there is a wedding dress made out of a parachute. It’s fantastic to see how people tried to keep some sort of normalcy even during the war. And when there was no fabric to buy, they used a parachute.

World war II museum

The museum might be changed

During our visit, the museum was at risk of being remade. I do have not any information from anybody from the museum but I asked some people and I also read an article in a Polish magazine and there is a controversy when it comes to the museum. This is how I understood it all:

Today the museum is about WWII overall. That means that there are exhibits that are about other countries like Japan and such. The government of Poland thinks that it should be focused on Poland and the Polish people and their suffering. Meanwhile, it took seven years to prepare the exhibition as is now, and from what I could gather none of the people we spoke to wants it to change.

World war II museum

It turns out that the Polish government wants the museum to be about the Polish suffering. Showing the world how Poland was a victim. Sure that’s true but the museum is perfect just the way it is so there is no need to change it. Only the future will tell whether this place stays this way or if the government changes it. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Experience the Museum of the second world war

This museum is super modern. Make sure to get an audio guide because it’s really good. The guide will know where you are at all times and start playing (several languages to choose from) whenever you enter a room. If you leave the room and enter another one, the audio will automatically switch to the room you are currently in.

World war II museum

The museum is quite interactive. You get to listen, read, touch, and interact with parts of the exhibition. I liked all of it and I thought that this is a perfect place to learn more about WWII. I was taken aback and felt uncomfortable in a room where there were posters of Hitler and posters of Jews that were being mocked. It is so powerful that it’s hard to take it all in. Make sure to get your tickets in advance. Since the museum is still new, and the entrance is limited, make sure to get your tickets. You can buy them online or hope for the best and buy them at the door. This is really a must-do while in Gdansk. The war started from this lighthouse.

World war II museum

Information about the Museum of the second world war

Address: pl. Władysława Bartoszewskiego 1, 80-862 Gdańsk, Poland.
Opening hours: Daily 10.00 – 19.00 except for Monday. On Mondays, it’s closed.
Ticket price (2017): 23 zloty for one adult.

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  1. FREEDOMtravel

    Ett bra museum alltså? Som vi ska inkludera på vår framtida runt-Polen-tur..?

    • mini

      Ja det tycker vi absolut! Det är så himla bra och väldigt informativt!


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