We are not wine connoisseurs – in all honesty we are far from that. But we loved taking part of an experiment so find out if we can taste the price on different wines. One dirt cheap, one really expensive and one quite expensive.
Can we taste the price on wine?
We have great neighbors and friends. One of them needed us to sign a paper (to be able to build a shed). As a thank you we got a bottle of wine. But not just any bottle. A very expensive bottle (for us). One bottle costs about 100 USD!
Then we had one bottle that costs about 40 USD = also expensive according to us! The last bottle was one that my dad bought. The cheapest bottle ever, 0,8 USD. Not even a dollar!
We gathered my parents and my mom opened and poorer the wine. We did not know what wine was in what glass. Ok so in all honesty. The cheapest wine was easy to spot. It looked more like a glass of syrup in pale red color. But then the other two glasses looked the same!
So what did we think?
Ok so the 40 dollar bottle was the best according to all four of us! That shows that price is not always a great measurement for quality and taste. The cheapest crap (yes sorry but that is all you can call it) was horrible. Undrinkable and just awful. The most expensive was really not that good. It had to much of a smokey taste to it. The middle one was best! I love to try new things and even if I would not buy such expensive bottles – I am up for trying them all :).
När jag väl kommer ner till er så får vi ha en liten vinprovning!! 🙂
Det är så himla kul med “blind” vinprovning! Vi har gjort det några gånger hemma. En gång var det en av deltagarna som valde det billigaste vinet (platsflaska och skruvkork) som favorit. Han får höra det än idag, haha.
Roligt att testa 🙂