Get your Mexican fix at this restaurant in Olhao

Mexican Food Olhao,Portugal
If you are anything like us – you love Mexican food and can’t get enough of it. And am I the only one to notice that most of the Mexican restaurants are colorful and just have a great environment in general? Come with us for tacos in Olhao.

Tacos, burritos, enchiladas – all so good

A lot of people keep saying that it’s all the same.  And yes most of them have similar (if not the same) ingredients but they are so good! Sometimes you might want a soft taco and some time you feel the urge to have a nacho- crunch taco. Either way, there are all so good!

If someone asks me what my favorite food is I? Mexican. I love Thai food and Polish food and Swedish food and most foods from other countries. But there is something special about Mexican food.
Mexican Food Olhao, Portugal

El Torito Cantina Mexicana

This place in Olhao serves great Mexican food. And they have all the right environmental stuff that really screams Mexico. I think that it is all about the colors. The coasters they had were awesome. In fact, I even thought of stealing them but I didn’t. We ended up getting different tacos. Some of them were with chicken and some of them were beef. We usually use minced meat when we make tacos at home but it is always fun to mix it up and to try some new stuff.

And don’t get me started on the guacamole! Isn’t that one of the best things ever?! Unfortunately, all the restaurants give you way to little of the guacamole and this place was not an exception. But this restaurant is well worth a visit and the staff is super friendly and nice to so it’s win-win!
Mexican Food Olhao, Portugal

Information about El Torito Cantina Mexicana

Address:  Av. 5 de Outubro 160, 8700-304 Olhão, Portugal.
Opening hours: Daily except for Tuesdays when it’s closed. 

The worlds best guacamole

Since I’m writing about Mexican food – what is best than to share my best guacamole recipe with you. This is for four people and there is a lot of it!

You need: 

  • 2 avocados that you squash and mash up.
  • 3 deciliters Creme Fraiche. This is available all over the world but you might need to visit a specialty store in some countries. Like in Portugal they sell it at Continente.
  • 2 cloves of garlic (also crushed and mixed).
  • A little lemon juice. This is not for the taste – just to prevent the avocado from turning brown.
  • salt and pepper.

This is how you do it:

Mix everything together. Done and ready to eat! If you use a mixer it will become a smooth guacamole. Since Mini and I live in a motorhome and don’t have a mixer – we just use a fork.

How do you do your Guacamole? Please let us know and share your recipes with us!



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