Momondo – anywhere search – When not planning is the best planning

Jul 30, 2019

Momondo - anywhere search
Momondo – anywhere search. Some of our best trips have been the spontaneous once. Taking a last-minute (or last second) trip is awesome. There is a huge feeling of freedom when you travel without to much plans. And if you want – you can plan ahead too, that’s up to you!

Momondo anywhere search

As most of you know, we are ambassadors for momondo. That means that we have traveled and explored the world together with them. But it also means checking out some of their features and writing about things that we find on their website and that we like (or even don’t like). In this case, we want to share the “anywhere search” with you guys. It is an awesome feature that we are 100 percent sure that we will use.

momondo – anywhere search gives you total freedom within your budget and preference. Just go to the website and search for flights. There you have a choice of selecting that you want to fly “anywhere”. If you want, you can choose the maximum amount that your flight is allowed to cost and also the length of the flight. The only thing that you need to know is from what airport you want to fly out!
Momondo – anywhere search

Flying literary anywhere

After you have punched in from where you want to fly – the whole world opens up and you will probably find some awesome destinations that you might not have in mind from the beginning. On the map, you will also see the flight prices and then you can decide where your next trip will be off to!

This is a great feature for explorers and adventurers that want to find new places to see. We often find that the trips that we do and that are not planned in advanced turn out great. So if you have a weekend, a week or a month (or even several) to spend. Make sure to check out the feature at the momondo website!
Anywhere search-map momondo

Traveling without planning

Sure, you can plan ahead and still use the “anywhere search”. However, we recommend you to try it out as a spontaneous thing and book a trip without any (or minimal) planning. That is the way that we will use that feature and we can’t wait to do so. Right now, we have several trips planned already so we need to wait for a while but after that, we will find a destination and just go there!

And while we are on the subject… we have done a lot of spontaneous trips and there are a few that we would like to share with you!

Finding ourselves in Mexico

My sister was browsing the web and called me. “You can go to Mexico dirt cheap if you fly out in 16 hours”. Said and done. We booked the last two tickets on the flight and headed to Mexico. No planning at all and not even sure where we would land, off we went.

It ended up to be amazing 15 days in Playa del Carmen. We spent our days diving and visited most of the main attractions the country has to offer. We found ourselves diving in a cenote one day and climbing the pyramid in Coba, the next. Since we had booked our flight super cheap, we had more money to spend visiting places and that’s what we did!

Making new friends in Egypt

His name was Hassan and he became a dear friend of ours. I found a really great flight to Hurghada in Egypt and didn’t think twice before booking it. We ended up spending nine days in Egypt with Hassan as our tour guide. And then we met Rickard, a Swedish fellow traveler that ended up spending a lot of time with us, traveling around the country.

We have been talking about going back to Egypt and doing some diving. Maybe the anywhere search will give us a great option for doing so!

Hello Budapest – Show us your good side

We were sitting at home and noticed that we would have several days off of work (yes, there was a time when we both went to “a real job”). Both of us felt that we wanted to leave for a couple of days. After some searching, we found Budapest to be our best option. This was actually the first time that we used momondo (but not the last).

My dad drove us to the airport the next day and we spend a couple of days in Budapest. This is a place where we both feel the urge to revisit because there is so much to see and do here. This is also the place where I bought my Hungarian paprika powder that I’m totally in love with!

In collaboration with momondo


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