The environments at Vattenriket vary from reeds, willows, and coastal meadows to the sea, deciduous forests, or dry sandy lands. Watch the birds in the lake from the panoramic windows or the roof terrace of Naturum. Stroll around, book a guide, or take a boat ride on the river. Enjoy a good coffee in the restaurant with a wonderful view of Helge å and the city of Kristianstad, Sweden!
Table of Contents
A nice and calm hike in nature
That’s how we describe the Naturum vattenriket Kristianstad, and of course, we walked the trail and loved it. It’s strange that despite living so close, I’ve never been there before.
Vattenriket is a nature reserve that is very close to the center of Kristianstad and where you can go for a walk, watch birds, or just soak up nature without having to go far from the center.
It’s about visiting a wetland and you have 2 walking paths to choose from…
* Tivoli Rundan – 1.8 km
* Linné Rundan – 6 km
We started by exploring Naturum – a house with an exhibition, fish, shop, and restaurant.
Of course, we chose to walk the Linnérundan, considering our incredible physique 😉

Birds of Vattenriket Kristianstad
You learn something new every day… there is a bird called Pungmes (translated to balls-sissy!!!) and it is not our bad humor but facts. Hahaha only that itself makes it worth coming to the vattenriket just to be able to say you saw a Pungmes right?!
All the birds fled as soon as we arrived. No birds wanted to cuddle with us. From the beginning, we were surprised and wondered why they were so afraid. However, we cracked that riddle quite quickly. The poor birds must have thought I was a bear! Unfortunately, it was too cold to take off the hat.
On the hike, there were signs with QR codes. Perfect for getting more information directly from the mobile. The guide is available in English, Swedish, and German.

Wonderfully beautiful at times and very nice to go there with the one you love! Next time we will choose the second round which is not so long.
Definitely worth coming here and strolling around. We have already decided that we will come again in the summer and go on a boat trip (yes, there are those too) and then we also want to see what it looks like when everything is green and nice.
And again… look for Pungmesar!
Read more at Naturum vattenriket Kristianstads Homepage before your visit.
Sv: Tack så himla mycket 🙂
Underbara bilder!
Vilket nedlåtande namn även för en fågel. Undra vem som kom på det?
Jag får åka ner i sommar igen när allt slagit ut! 🙂
Riktigt fina bilder och bra förslag.. Tack
Superbra alternativ jag älskar att vandra.
Va Smart med QR koder Tekniken är ju bara underbar.
Det får bli en sådan runda till helgen måste testa QR koderna… Bara vädret tillåter
Härliga bilder
Jag har själv gått rundan men den är mycket finare i början av sommaren prova igen då 🙂
Vilka härliga bilder
Fin Björnmössa
Härliga bilder 😀
haha underbara ni! mysigt ställe med!
Fina bilder på fina Naturum, har dock inte varit där inne ännu…
Åh spännande tur! Ja Nordens Ark var kanon, bilder kommer!!!
Mysigt ställe och härliga bilder. 🙂
Sv: Tack!
Å vilken härlig mössa du har 🙂