Love locks are big all over the world. Wroclaw is no exception. Tumski bridge that connects Cathedral Island to the mainland of Wroclaw is a place of love.
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Love Locks at Tumski Bridge, Wroclaw
I am a true sucker for romance. I love the symbols of love locks. Most of you probably have heard about love locks before. You take a padlock and write your names on it. Place the padlock amongst the others and throw away the key. Now you will be together forever.
Odra River is full off keys
At the Tumski Bridge you are suppose to throw away the keys, one from each side of the bridge. That makes the bottom of the river full of padlock keys. The locks are beautiful but it is not hassle free. The problem is that the weight of all the locks on the bridge make the bridge to heavy. A guide told us that a couple of years ago the city council cut open two tons of locks. Yes – two tons of locks. They were taken away off the bridge. To bad for the council because it did not take long before new locks started to appear. Today the bridge is full off them again.
I love to walk back and forth, looking at the names. They have names and dates so you can see when they were placed. Meanwhile I do see the problem in the cluttering off the city. Mini takes a few pictures and he is done and good to go. Needless to say – he is not the most romantic husband. If it was up to me, we would have our own padlock at the bridge 🙂

Tumski Bridge Wroclaw-Poland
So even if we do not have any love lock at the bridge and I do not recommend any of you to place one – I do recommend you to walk to the bridge and look at the once that are already there!