A free tourist attraction in the Swedish south magle stone which admittedly isn’t much to see unless you know the legend behind the stone because then suddenly you want to go there and investigate and get your own theory!
Table of Contents
Where to see it and some information
Outside Bäckaskog (near Kristianstad) you can see this huge rock which is right next to a building. Our first thought was “What came first… the rock or the building?”
There is a small information sign that briefly mentions what the legend says and gives some information about the stone, but unfortunately, the quality is crazy bad so the sign is no longer legible.
However, I have managed to root out what the legends about how the stone ended up there read, so they are here below in a shortened version and then it is up to you to decide what you think is true and not and how the stone actually ended up here!
Legend says
- Legend 1: When Christianity came to Sweden and they started building the church in Åhus, the old giant Finn woke up. He had a hobby of sabotaging churches by throwing large boulders at them. The problem was that he was very bad at aiming so when he threw the stone at the church it missed by more than a mile, hence the stone is where it is!
- Legend 2: There is a large banquet hall under this rock that the goblins use on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve night, the goblins lift the stone, place it on four large golden pillars, and party all night long. This legend does not explain how the stone ended up there, but rather what it is used for. And who knows… maybe there’s a banquet hall for the trolls under it, something Mini wanted to investigate but was unsuccessful 🙂
- Legend 3: When it comes to the scientific, Linné already stated on his journey to Scania that this stone was far too large to have been transported by meltwater from the Ice Age.
Some facts about Maglestone
In a compendium about Skåne’s geological attractions, you can find the following information:
Usually, it is the land ice that transports drift blocks. This is evident, for example, when blocks are found in areas with moraine, which is a type of soil directly deposited by the ice. However, the magle stone is a bit special in this context because it stands in the sand. Well, drilling in the area has also shown that under the sand layer, there are several meters of layered clay. Obviously, the Magle Stone is not first in place by a continuous land ice. Instead, an iceberg must have brought it into place in such cases.
What we think is the correct answer
Which of the legends do you believe in? Personally, we think that it was a giant who missed his target (legend 1) because remember that it is not necessarily that he was bad at aiming, but that he may have had vision problems and in those days there were no glasses?!
But if not for the stone, it is located in a beautiful place that shows a typical Skåne with fields, meadows, and genuine country roads, so it is well worth a visit!
Ja, vilket kom först!! Jag tippar på stenen! 😛
Sv: Ja, det ska bli så kul!! Hoppas att det är bra väder när jag cyklar bara! 😛
Skulle ju vara ngt om troll har fest under den! haha
SV: Jaaaaa nu bär det snart av!
Vilka underbara bilder!!
Ja undra om det finns en fest sal under stenen.
Wow vad coooolt
vilken sten!
Vilket roligt resemål.
Oj vilken jättesten..
Vilket roligt inlägg
Stenen ser tung ut.
Dit måste vi med familjen
Fina bilder och tror som du på legend 1 om jätten 🙂
Är det inte vid Trolle Ljungby slott????
Jo nästan https://goo.gl/maps/7PQEnGsA7CKXs4Wp7
Här har du länken till var den är.